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Clairvoyance training - Start 18 May 2023 Copenhagen

Possibility of installment payment, click here

Clairvoyance training - "superstructure" for experienced healers (3 modules)

3x2 days:
18.-19. May
31 May - 01 June
01 - 02 July
- note! the course is a mix of weekdays, holidays and weekends!

All days at 10.00 - 16.00

Dr. Tværgade 7 (Gårdhus 1, st.+1st floor), 1302 Copenhagen K

The prerequisite for participating in this course is as a minimum Reiki 1+2, Angels 1+2 or spiritual healing or equivalent healing experience from elsewhere. - If you are in doubt as to whether you are suitable, write to

The teaching on this course will be focused on:

To train your psychic abilities and sharpen your senses, so that you can better elaborate on what the healing specifically helps your client with, both before the client comes to the table, on the table and in the feedback after the healing.

There will be training in clairaudience, clairfeeling, clairvoyance, sharpening of attention to what your mirror neurons pick up from the client and the spiritual world.

In addition to this, it will be teaching ethics and morals for healers.

Teaching how to take care of your energy when you have clients, both psychological principles and in relation to practically having clients.

You bring your own lunch, but there will be some different fruit, sweets and drinks during the day.

Well met
Marcia Techau

The course is approved for maintenance of your RAB approval.
Hours/RAB points correspond to the hours that appear in the course.

Read more about the healing courses here

*If the event is canceled by the organizer, the entire amount will be refunded.
*All text in this post is subject to typographical errors.

Registration is binding, but if you cancel no later than one week (7 days) BEFORE the start of the course, you will get your full amount back (minus an administration fee of 1.9% + DKK 1.80). After that, it is no longer possible to get the amount refunded. . If you cancel the week leading up to the start of the course, 2,500 will be withheld. Once you have started the course/training, in the event of absence (for whatever reason), you are not entitled to a refund of all or part of your course fee.