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Clairvoyance training - Start 23 February 2022 Copenhagen

Possibility of installment payment, click here


M1: 23.-24.02
M2: 16.-17.03
M3: 06.-07.04
M4: 27.-28.04
M5: 18.-19.05
M6: 29.-30.06
M7: 13.-14.07
M8: 17.-18.08 (Mid-term evaluation)
M9: 14.-15.09
M10: 12.-13.10
M11: 02.-03.11
M12: 23.-24.11
M13: 14.-15.12

M14: 04.-05.01
M15: 08.-09.02
M16: (28.02) – 01.-02.03 (Exam)

All days are weekdays. There are lessons from pm. 10.00-17.30 every day.

The training costs DKK 40,000 for all 16 modules (with one-off payment).
With installment payment, the price is DKK 46,000 in total.
If you choose to pay in instalments, a deposit of DKK 10,000 is paid before the start of the course, and then DKK 3,000 per month for 12 months

ATTENTION! If you choose to stop no later than one week after the 1st teaching module, it costs DKK 5,000.

In order to start the course, you must first attend an admissions session. It is a sitting regarding your spiritual path, the development potential of your psychic abilities and the readiness to work with your psychic abilities, whether as a clairvoyant advisor or healer or something else entirely. If, after the first 30 minutes, it turns out that it could be an option with clairvoyance training, then I spend some time informing you about it and what you can expect.

The personal interview costs DKK 900. To register for the admission session, send an email to

We expect to hold admission sessions continuously in 2021.

The training is approved for maintenance of your RAB approval.
Hours/RAB points correspond to the hours that appear in the education.

Read more about the healing courses here

Read more about the Clairvoyance training here

(Subject to writing and typing errors)